Even as I pursued my Master’s in Education, I knew I wanted to be involved in IT. The landscape is constantly changing, the pace of innovation is staggering, and well-planned strategies can have a tremendous impact in a short time.
I earned my first paying computer job in 1998 solely on my ability to fix a “sad mac.” Several years later, I was the IT Director of one of Kansas City’s largest ad agencies. In nearly ten years as the IT Director of MMG Worldwide, I saw countless technologies come and go.
The rise of Cloud Computing has foreshadowed the demise of the traditional on-premises client-server model. Some fear this change and rally against it. Instead, I chose to embrace the new reality, leaving a fantastic traditional IT job to create Umzuzu and help others through this transition. At Umzuzu, we help organizations “get there, from here.”
I enjoy sharing the power of Cloud Computing with organizations of all types, Software-as-a-Service enables them to focus on their core mission and not on their IT.

I fell in love with enterprise architecture at Cerner Corporation where I got my first taste of the modern data center.
Modern Cloud Computing services take advantage of new hardware infrastructures, new multi-tenant software infrastructures, custom networks, leveraging new application capabilities, and take full advantage of brand new devices.
I earned my first paying computer job in 1998 solely on my ability to fix a “sad mac.” Several years later, I was the IT Director of one of Kansas City’s largest ad agencies. In nearly ten years as the IT Director of MMG Worldwide, I saw countless technologies come and go.
To leverage the tremendous innovation taking place in consumer markets we must look in new places. IT teams must embrace their roots as the most disruptive and innovative business unit in the organization. Cloud Computing allows these teams to deliver more services, to more people, and across more devices than any of us ever imagined. I feel a deep responsibility to help as many organizations as possible take full advantage of modern technology services.
Sue Chavarria, Cloud Subscriptions Manager & VoIP Deployment Specialist

My love for technology started in the early 90s when I completed a technical degree in Database Management and learned one of the first computer languages (BASIC).
My first IT job was to manage day-to-day EDI (Electronic Data Interchanges) transactions for a merchandising business. By moving from paper-based workflows to computerized systems, the company enjoyed significant benefits such as increased processing speeds, cost reductions, reduced errors, and improved relationships with business partners.
I saw that cloud computing could transform businesses and provide a path for our clients to win the technical challenges ahead.
Michael Means Jr, Cloud Systems Deployment & Infrastructure Specialist

It all started when my dad handed me my first Dell Latitude Windows XP laptop. I soon felt a strong connection with the computing system. I explored various ways to improve my experience, including speed, functionality, security, and installing programs that were beneficial and entertaining. My engineering mindset kicked in. I had to know ‘how’ computers work, so I began taking things apart.
As a successful IT professional, I have developed a healthy balance of computing skills, including hardware and software infrastructures, networking and remote access capabilities, security and defense, and cloud-based technologies.
I now continue to grow in this fast-paced and modern world of IT. With this knowledge, I have assisted others personally and professionally and developed a strong passion for what I do.
Andrea Burczyk, Customer Success Manager

With a unique mix of a background in Hospitality and a Masters in Business, Andrea has a natural need to help people and a mind for strategic solutions.
Andrea is extraordinarily people-focused and loves the challenge of addressing each client’s unique needs. She enjoys building genuine, trusting relationships with clients and being mindful of their best interests when working with SaaS companies on their behalf.
By balancing the availability of information from software solutions and understanding the future goals of our clients, Andrea advises on the best long-term strategies for success.
Ricky Shull, Customer Success Specialist

Ricky is passionate about supporting small businesses, and in college he studied entrepreneurship to better understand how to best support the needs of local entrepreneurs and business trailblazers. His mix of education and work history in hospitality and sales have uniquely equipped him to help Umzuzu’s clients with their unique and changing business needs.

Protect your organization from Spam Scams – An overview on Spam, Spoofing & Phishing and what you can do to protect your Workspace
As the internet has developed over the decades,